Developing and supporting rolling stock solutions
HappyTrain supports the development of rolling stock solutions for niches in the passenger railway environment.
Train Charter Services B.V. offers a platform to develop unique customer experiences, built around traveling by open access or chartered, dedicated trains. As such, Train Charter Services provides turn-key solutions integrating fleet management, line operation, 24/7 product control and all related safety structures.
All passenger services rendered are commercialized by partners or subsidiary companies. Train Charter Services is not directly engaged with the actual traveler, but acts as a facilitator to guarantee focus on the company’s mission.
Train Charter Services supports the development and day-to-day operation of multiple specialty passenger service initiatives across Europe. Our services range from supporting the design of the service, the execution of the service by acting as railway undertaking, as entity in charge of maintenance or both, and by offering rolling stock to our customers.
(Regulation (EU) 2018/762)
(Regulation (EU) 2019/779)
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Every day we contribute to a safe and reliable railway operation. Railway enthusiasts capture our trains in service continuously and create beatiful photos.